
Saturday May 8, 2010

Each supping course will feature a complimentary wine pairing.

The May 8th supping salon minimum donation is $50.  Please reserve your spot soon as the table is almost full!

To reserve a spot at a supping salon, please email and submit the following information.  If you are reserving spots for others, please have them also submit the following as no reservation will be considered complete without all provided details.  Once TPK has received all the required information, we will email you a confirmation and further dinner details or waiting list number.  Donations vary by menu and will be taken in cash at the door at the time of arrival.


Cell number

Email address


Food issues/allergies*

How did you hear about TPK?

A semi-recent photo**

*All efforts will be taken to accommodate guests, but please keep in mind that most suppers at TPK are probably not a good value for strict vegetarians.

**TPK does not discriminate on the basis of chosen facial hair styles, eyebrow length, eye color, nose size, or other facial or bodily feature.  We simply want to be able to recognize you when you come to the door.